Looking forward to 2001…or…2011

Ok so I have been noticing that as of recent everytime I try to type 2011, it just automatically comes out as 2001. Do I want to travel through time and relive being 18 again? No. Seeing as the timeline of my life is marked by what haircut I had during a certain event I’m trying to recall, I believe right before I turned 18 I cut off all my hair into a pixie cut and dyed it almost white blonde. Don’t get me wrong, it looked awesome, but the maintenance was insane for keeping that up. Going to the hairdresser every 6 weeks is too high maintenance for me! So why am I time travel typing? I think my brain subconsciously is having trouble processing the fact that this year is almost over and that a new year is quickly approaching.
Resolutions for the New Year:
1)Get more sleep – no more staying up until 2am editing because I am excited about the photos.
2)Eat cleaner – I really want to try harder to eat organically grown and local foods, especially after watching Food Inc.
3)Be active – I seriously HATE the gym. Everytime I go I ask when I was there last, it’s usually in 11 month increments – seriously. I need to cancel that membership and just get doing some kind of awesome activity.

OR as my husband so succinctly worded it: “Basically stop being a lazy couch potato” and then he rubbed a little salt in the wounds with this little number:”Eating peanut butter cups and moving your hand towards your mouth does not constitute exercise” HAHAHA what an idiot! Peanut butter has protein and moving my hand DOES burn calories… Please realize that he is sitting beside me as I write this and we are laughing at how funny/sarcastic we are together!

Thank you to everyone that I have worked with this year! It was great to get to know all of you and photograph such special times in all of your lives. I am now completely booked until the end of the year. I am looking forward to what the new year holds!

hugs – Teryn

all images copyright of Teryn lee Photography  ||  site design by gillian sarah